Tell us your biggest belly laugh in 2013.
source :: pinterest
This is a tough one because I laugh a lot. I'm one those people that always finds humor in situations - good or bad. I'll be honest, I've laughed when friends have fallen. There's one particular memory that springs to mind. I laughed when my friend supermanned the sidewalk. It was one of the best days ever which solidified our friendship and brought us even closer. We laughed for hours after that and still laugh about it today.
As for the biggest belly laugh of 2013, I can't remember a particular moment. When I was teaching, I would get very tickled by the little ones in my room and their actions. I had a great time sharing their stories with my family. I do know that Mr. GrapeJuice makes me laugh really hard all.the.time. We does some of the goofiest things, whether he means to or not. Sometimes he'll change the words to songs to make me laugh, and other times he has blonde moments that make my day.
Laughter is a huge part of my life, and it makes everything better - even when you don't want to laugh!
source :: pinterest
I love to laugh!! Thank goodness for The Office!!