Tuesday, January 7, 2014

{day seven} Signed, Sealed, Delivered

What was the best thing you sent to someone in 2013?
What will you send this year?
source :: sunny slide up
Oh! Oh! Oh! I'm so very excited about writing this post!!!
When I saw the prompt this morning, ideas about what to write flooded my mind because I participated in the Cara Box exchange last year. I made some gifts and bought some. But, of course, I'm going to brag about the ones I made! =]

Here is one package I sent. I bought the water bottle and then painted the anchor on it.

And, here's another I sent. I made the wreath!

I haven't come up with any ideas for sending, but maybe I'll start a snail mail campaign. Anyone want to go in on it with me. Maybe a monthly thing? Handwritten notes are the best, and who doesn't love getting mail?

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